I'm Ignacio, a non-binary person (pronouns: they/them) and I work as a frontend developer.
While my main skills are in frontend performance, responsive design, web typography, and accessibility, my mindset is that of a designer. I craft delightful products and interfaces with an eye for user experience, who puts the user's needs first.
I’m best when working as a nexus between design and frontend.
I learn from the community and love to share what I have learned and give back. I write articles and talk at events. I also spend some time mentoring people, so if you think I can help you, don't hesitate to tell me.
Host of WeCodeSign, a podcast about frontend, UX and web design. Co‑founded FrontFest.es (the biggest conference about frontend development in Spain) and also co‑founded Open Source Weekends, a monthly Open Source Meetup. 😊
When not creating websites, I love to spend my time learning about typography, going to cooking courses or playing basketball with friends.
If you came here to find out what theme, app or desk chair that I use, check out my uses page.
You can follow me on Twitter, fork me on GitHub, subscribe via RSS Feed or email me at ignaciodenuevo@posteo.net.
This site is built using a number of third-party tools and services.
This website is written in Sass and vanilla JavaScript, produced on an Apple iMac, designed and built on and for the browser while coded using Visual Studio Code.
Built on Jekyll, a static site generator, you can see the code under github.com/ignaciodenuevo.github.io's repository. Deployed in Netlify while CloudFront acts as CDN, protection and caching optimization.
The fonts used are:
- Guardian Egyptian bold for headings.
- Brando Sans regular, italic and semibold for body text.
- Input for code.
Other notable tools, scripts, and services used worth mentioning are:
- Photographs of the home page and my portrait were taken by Lea Farren.
- Icons Feather Icons.
- Image Optim by Kornel Lesiński.
- fontfaceobserver.js by Bram Stein.
- ModularScale.scss by Tim Brown.
The page was last updated on March 13, 2021.