
In this post I will try to compile the things I use to work in my day to day, computer, peripherals such as mouse, desktop, chair and above all, software. I think that we focus a lot on things of little importance and other more necessary things we overlook.

I really like sharing what I use, so this post will be about my development workspace and programs.


I develop on a Windows machine at work, iMac 27” 5K at home or a MacBook Pro 13”(with touchbar) when I travel.

Mobile Devices and Peripherals

As developer is necessary to test websites so I have some other devices, an old Samsung Galaxy S3, one Motorla Moto G 1st Edition, one Motorla Moto G 2st Edition, one Motorla Moto G 2015, and one Samsung Galaxy Tab and growing.


I have an old iPhone 6s Plus (64Gb) and a Apple Watch (2nd Ed).

My mouse slides on an Icemat 2nd Edition Mouse Pad, it was a gift to do an analysis for 10-12 years ago.

As a ex videogame player I use a Sennheiser PC 350 headset but now it is used to talk via Skype.


I like space, so I bougth some time ago a Thyge Desktop from Ikea.


I bought recently an Embody Herman Miller because I spend 10-12hours a day working.

Development Apps

Work Apps





My projects are served to my test devices via Ghostlab and chat with other developers on Twitter and Slack with other developers.

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